October 10, 2022
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We are called to be different. We are called to stand out. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul instructs the people of Thessalonica to go about their lives in a countercultural way. He lays out three ways to live differently as citizens on earth that we may “win the respect of outsiders” (v. 12). This evangelistic way of living was beneficial then just as it can be today. Watch this video now to learn how you can stand out and point others to Jesus. and later Today’s guest artist on Gospel Music USA The Second Half Quartet – In 2014, Greater Vision and The Mark Trammell Quartet appeared the same night at an event in Marion, Illinois. Intermission ran longer than expected. Before stepping back on stage, the promoter pulled Gerald Wolfe aside and asked, “Could you close the second half with both groups on stage singing a few songs together?” Gerald answered, “Yes, we can do that.” What followed was an experience like no other. Enjoy today’s show and thanks for watching.