June 15, 2022
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We are called to be different. We are called to stand out. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul instructs the people of Thessalonica to go about their lives in a countercultural way. He lays out three ways to live differently as citizens on earth that we may “win the respect of outsiders” (v. 12). This evangelistic way of living was beneficial then just as it can be today. Watch this video now to learn how you can stand out and point others to Jesus. and Today on The Josh and Ashley show, Sue Dodge – Sue first began singing at age 13, and her professional music career began at age 19, when the young former Miss Arkansas runner-up (then known by her maiden name, Sue Chenault) joined a fledgling ensemble now known as The Downings. The dynamic soprano was part of the original incarnation of The Downings, and the group immediately began to impact gospel music with hits such as “I’m Free,” “I Believe What The Bible Says,” Enjoy Sue Dodge on today’s show and Listen to some great music. Thanks For watching and Share this Video With your Friends.