February 1, 2022
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Today on TruLight TV – Sometimes our passion can cause us to say things that are extreme. But when those things are taken out of context, they can seem harmful. Watch today’s video to see how apostle Paul did it. and later a Nature Documentary in title (Nocturnal wanderer: The fire salamander) – Almost everyone knows of him, but very rarely does anyone actually get to see this nocturnal wanderer. This is because he leads a secret, silent and absolutely inconspicuous life, that of a loner, only on the move after dusk. In addition to this, he has survived the dinosaurs as a kind of relic from the dawn of time: The fire, or spotted salamander, a colourful inhabitant of German beech forests. Yet still not everything is known regarding this extraordinary animal and his fascinating way of life. No one has ever captured the lives of these rare forest-dwellers in such detail and as compelling as this on film before. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy and thanks for watching.