June 14, 2022
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Do you ever wish you were leading worship instead of cleaning up after Sunday school? The people in the front may get noticed more by others, but God notices every single thing we do to serve Him. Every job is necessary and important to make us all function together as a church body. and later a Nature Documentary in title (Garden Wild ) – By making a little space in our gardens we can provide vital habitats for a large number of wild animals and plants. Garden wetlands, dry stone walls, hedgerows and flower meadows can be homes for useful and attractive visitors. Sometimes one small step leads to a great change. This documentary follows biological cycles through the year to show how gardens can be a permanent food source and refuge for wildlife. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy today’s show and thanks for watching.