March 1, 2022
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When life gets difficult, we tend to forget what’s true about God’s faithfulness, character, and our standing in His family. We may start to question God’s love and power and believe the lies of the enemy. If you’re struggling to remember what is true, watch the video and be encouraged that Jesus is greater than anything we’ll ever face. and later a Nature Documentary in-title (Unexpectedly skilled Heavyweights) – One characteristic feature of the walrus is the two enormous teeth in the upper jaw stretching down well below the lower jaw; these are terrifying weapons. Another feature is their tremendous weight – a male can weigh up to 1500 kg. Part of their body mass is made up of the protective layer of fat several centimetres thick all over the body under the leathery skin. This is needed because these large-scale seals live in the Polar Seas on the edge of the pack-ice. Observing walruses in their own habitat (both underwater and on land) is not at all easy. In the first place, it is the Arctic weather conditions that can scupper observations most effectively. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy and thanks for watching.