April 23, 2022
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We spend our lives going, going, going and are often left wondering why we burn out, why we’re always tired, and why we always feel we’re running on empty. Jesus modeled for us the importance of getting away, being alone with God, and resting. If Jesus needed it, who are we to live like we don’t? Watch this video to learn how to truly rest in Jesus. later our sermon today from Dr. Charles Stanley (Because He Lives) – For believers, the death and resurrection of Jesus grants us the promise of an eternal home with heaven. But what does it mean for our lives right now? Because He lives, we not only have hope for the future, we have the ability walk with Him today! Dr. Stanley explains that because of Jesus’ resurrection, we can live without worry, pray with confidence, and lead lives of godly influence. This plus some great gospel music on today’s show. Enjoy! and Share this Video With your Friends.