November 9, 2022
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Have you ever considered the fact that when you go towards something new, you’re leaving something behind? Sometimes it’s easy to leave the past, but other times it’s not. Watch this video with “God Hears Her” podcast host Elisa Morgan about the discipline that’s needed when God calls us to leave something behind. and later on the Enjoy Life program with Dr. Jerry and Lil’ Jan Goff, Today’s guest artist (Jeff and Amy Templeton) – A little girl who dreamed of becoming a Gospel singer thought her dreams had been in vain after being involved in a car accident at the age of nine. Amy was left with outward scars that brought her inward pain and feelings of insecurity. As she struggled, feeling “different” from those around her, she found peace and contentment as she placed her faith and trust in an eternal Saviour, Jesus Christ. Enjoy today’s show and listen to some great music. Thanks for watching.