October 1, 2021
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In this episode we show you: A Great Basin gophersnake, a giant vinegaroon, a banded gecko, a chuckwalla lizard, a desert iguana, a giant desert hairy scorpion, a shovel-nosed snake, a desert phase California kingsnake, a sidewinder rattlesnake, and a desert tortoise! Creeping Things is a wildlife exploration series focusing on the creeping animals of God’s creation. We want to steer your gaze at the creature so that you marvel at the handiwork of the Creator, and praise Him! Join the Hutcherson family as we show you wild reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids, and more! To God be the glory forever, AMEN! and later in today’s (Ask Dr. Stanley) an eight-year-old boy wrote in for advice about his doubts. This plus some great gospel music. Enjoy and thanks for watching.