January 25, 2022
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Today on TruLight TV – A Nature Documentary in title (Black storks – returnees to German forests) – Nature is a constant source of surprise, also of a positive manner; as, although animals and plants disappear from our landscapes on an almost daily basis, there are “returnees”. The black stork is one of them. The large and colourful bird, known only to a few, has reclaimed German forests. Secretly and silently. The black stork lives as a recluse, in contrast with its cousin, the white stork, which, as a true synanthropic species, enjoys the proximity of humans. The film represents an adventure in the forest of the black storks. The concealed life of these birds has never before been documented in such detail. This animal documentary for the whole family is as entertaining as it is exciting. Discover the unknown world of these fascinating birds and join us in the forest of the black storks. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. and later Do you take a moment to rest? It seems like society hurries us along. But don’t allow the pace of our culture to rob you of the great and holy idea of rest. This plus some great gospel music. Enjoy!