855 videos found 12;22 Pastoor Dirk – Die Groot Verdrukking TruLight TV Production,Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk Pastoor Dirk Van TruLight Radio XM bespreek die groot verdrukking as ... 14;21 Pastoor Dirk – Gog And Magog TruLight TV Production,Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk Pastoor Dirk Van TruLight Radio XM Bespreek Die Slag Van Gog En Magog ... 18;03 Pastoor Dirk – Die Heilige Gees (Deel 2) TruLight TV Production,Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk Past.Dirk Pastoor Dirk Van TruLight Radio XM bespreek die gawes wat Jesus ... 14;54 Pastoor Dirk – Die Heilige Gees (Deel 1) TruLight TV Production,Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk Past.Dirk Pastoor Dirk Van TruLight Radio XM Bespreek Die Doop van die Heilige ... 14;04 The Reason For The Extreme Weather Conditions Of 2016 2017 TruLight TV Production,Leringe deur Pastoor Dirk The Wobble In The Earth's Axle, Larger Storms, More Droughts, More ... 3:28 The Birth of the Republic of California in Bible Prophecy TruLight TV Production 3:05 Christians You are Being Watched ! TruLight TV Production 4:45 My Great God – Shirley Louw TruLight TV Production 13:37 1000 Replicas of the Arch of the Baal Temple UNESCO TruLight TV Production «1…939495Page 95 of 95 Social Share Buttons